As a company you are responsible for all persons and companies that are present at your construction site. This raises the following questions:
Who is present on the construction site? Do these persons meet the legal criteria? Are you dealing with bona fide (sub) contractors? How do you prevent uninvited guests who are up to theft or sabotage? How can you easily and quickly meet all workforce documentation, with all legislation in mind?
It is a known problem for many main and subcontractors. Registering your deployment and checking their data with the right authorities is a time-consuming task. At the same time, the amount of government inspections on numerous employment law cases has increased sharply in recent years, with the risk of large fines as a result.
The paper-based way how most main contractors register workers, visitors and third parties on their construction sites is time consuming for contractors and porters. For most projects, the employee is re-registered and the registration is not applied unambiguously everywhere and does not always comply with applicable laws and regulations (Dutch Chain of Liability Act (WKA), hirer's liability and the Aliens Employment Act). Digital construction site registration with De Bouwpas ensures that construction site entrants are registered and reviewed once, online, in advance and in an unambiguous manner.
With the help of De Bouwpas you can fulfill your responsibility and ensure that you - and the (contractual) subcontractors, self-employed workers and workers you deploy - easily comply with laws and regulations and that everyone can work safely.
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