There often is some confusion about the assignment data between the self-employed person and his client. In this article we explain more about the assignment details and how this is handled with De Bouwpas.
When a contractor registers a self-employed person, assignment data always needs to be be added.
What are job details?
If a contractor uses an independent contract, it should be an assignment. This assignment describes, among other things, what kind of work the self-employed person will carry out.
Why do we ask this?
The main contractor wants to prevent bogus self-employment. If you can demonstrate that you have your administration in order and that the self-employed person has actually received an assignment for the work, this will provide the main contractor with more certainty.
What will happen to this data?
The contract data is stored in De Bouwpas, to make sure that the main contractor has this data in its administration. The main contractor can approve or reject the registration based on this information. No automatic checks are performed on this data.
Information requested for an assignment
Order number
You record in your administration which self-employed workers work for you. Give such an assignment a number, to make sure you can always find this assignment in your own administration. You can determine this number yourself.
Date of assignment
In addition, you also record when you have given this assignment to the self-employed worker. In case you no longer know the date exactly, you can also specify the first working day of the self-employed worker.
Description assignment
What will the self-employed worker do for work? This does not have to be an extensive description. Carpentry can be an excellent description.
A model agreement
Depending on the precise settings of the main contractor, it may be mandatory to supply a model agreement.
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